A transformational program that will provide you with a no bullsh*t approach to aging on your own terms

For women who want to stop settling, overcome the fear of aging, and learn how to reclaim their youthful energy and essence. Over six weeks, you’ll learn from and be supported by Jodi Harrison Bauer, a mentor and coach with over 35 years of experience helping women get results for the mind, body, and soul. 

The next round of Hot & Healthy Accelerator will be Fall 2024

Join the waitlist to be the first to know when details drop!

It’s time to stop waiting for someone else’s permission.

I spent far too many years of my life waiting for permission to live my life on my own terms, and I don’t want you to do the same. There’s no permission slip that will magically appear to tell you that you’re allowed to feel good about yourself now. There won’t be a quick fix that will permanently cure you of that nagging feeling of being stuck in a body that isn’t your best. There’s only the time and effort you put into creating the life you want…

You deserve to feel confident, hot, and healthy in your body— no matter your age.

And it’s time to stop wasting it.

Over six weeks, you’ll be empowered with mindset shifts that will change. your. life. You’ll have what you need to step into this new phase of life as your best self, feeling healthy, energized, and confident in prioritizing yourself without asking for permission from anyone.

If you’re a woman over 40, you likely fall into one of these three categories:

You’ve tried every quick fix in the book…

And you’re ready to exchange all of the fad diets and over-the-top workout routines for the proven blueprint to create lasting change to your body and mind

You’re overwhelmed by the information overload…

And you’re done feeling stuck because you don’t know who to trust and what systems truly work. You want to take real action with guidance from a trusted mentor and coach

You’re feeling trapped in your own limiting beliefs…

And you want to escape the shame spiral caused by believing your own stories about your body, your mind, and your life. You want to change those thought patterns and make yourself a priority


I know because I’ve been there. And I’ve coached hundreds of women who’ve been there, too.

I’ve been training for 35 years. And have learned what works and what doesn’t. I’ve also lived through my own challenges and changes in this phase of life, and learned to overcome them and create my dream life.

I want you to do the same. With the Hot & Healthy Accelerator, you’ll get the fact-based, experienced-backed blueprint to being healthy, feeling younger, and creating the life you deserve. After six weeks, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to fully embody your hottest and healthiest self at any age. 


Hi, I’m Jodi!

Anyone can tell you to eat healthy and take care of your body. I’m here to show you how.

I’m a two-time World Bikini Champion, the founder of the award-winning JodiFit boutique fitness studio, the host of Fearlessly Authentic podcast, and the oldest woman to ever compete for the iconic Sports Illustrated Swim Issue, making global headlines as a Top 60 finalist at 58 years old.

I don’t fit in the box society wants to put me in (and I’d guess that if you’re reading this… you don’t either).

I was 47 when I started competing in fitness shows, and everyone said I was “too old” (and I was in the absolute trenches of menopause).

I was 50 when I started my business in 2010, when starting a business just wasn’t as popular among women as it is now. I was 58 when I competed against women more than half my age for a spot in Sports Illustrated Swim.

My proudest accomplishment is being the mother of two amazing daughters— without a doubt, they are my “why”. When I’m not coaching or on the radio, you can find me on the beach or dancing like no one’s watching.

My words to live by?  ‘It’s never too late to start something new.’

I’ve been featured in


I’ve been featured in +

  • Permission to prioritize yourself

  • To drop the excuses that aren’t serving you

  • To feel confident and empowered with essential education you need to literally reverse aging with secrets Jodi has been sharing for almost 4 decades 

  • Learn how to amp up your metabolism, torch more body fat, improve your mood, be more active, get strong, exercise less but harder, eat healthy, feel amazing, and laugh more

  • Rejuvenated energy

  • To start living as your authentic self

  • A safe and supportive community of women like you who get it and want each others success 

  • Accountability and powerful coaching 

  • The tools to start living the life you want NOW

If you want:

The Hot & Healthy Accelerator is for you.

Ready to ditch the bullsh*t and age on your own terms?

The Hot & Healthy Accelerator is a transformational six-week program for women who want to cut through the noise, reverse aging, and become their best selves. Here’s the details:

This is where the link will jump to

  • May 1st - June 5th

    Wednesdays 1-2:15pm EST

  • • Lifetime Access to Recordings

    • Community Chat on Geneva

    • New Downloadable Resource Guides Weekly

  • • Jodi Fit Jumpstart - This ebook is a real plan for real life that teaches you how, why, and when to eat. $99 value

    • Fearlessly Authentic Expert Podcast Playlist - Expert interviews that dive even deeper into the course curriculum, all in one place.

    • Exclusive LIVE workshop on Slaying your Saboteurs with guest expert Kelly Brock. FREE $750 Value.

Oh, and the first five women to join will receive a 1:1 call with me!

Here’s everything you’ll learn in the program:

PLUS weekly resources to start implementing what you’ve learned and make the changes you deserve.

  • You will receive the permission slip you need to redefine hot and healthy on your own terms and cultivate the courage to create it in your life.

  • Sexy is an attitude, not an appearance. You will upgrade your thinking patterns, energy and actions to get lasting success.

  • Movement and metabolism matter as we age. You will walk away knowing what actually matters in building a body that makes you feel confident and sexy.

  • Without the right foods, not much can change. You will learn how to drop the diets and optimize your eating to create the lean, energized body you dream of.

  • Hormones, sleep, habits, and more. You will cut through the clutter to learn what you really need to know when it comes to aging and how to not just survive but thrive in this season.

  • Have them turning heads as you walk away with the new energy, attitude and actions of a woman who knows she is worth it.

You can’t put a price on unshakeable confidence.

I can put a price on what it will take to get you there, though.

Save $39

Option 1


Paid in Full

Option 2


Two Payments

And don’t forget, the first five women who join get a 1:1 call with me to discuss your individual questions and get personalized advice.

Answering Your Burning Questions

What is the community chat?

In addition to weekly calls, you'll also join a community group chat in the Geneva app where you’ll have access to me (and other women participating in the program!) for accountability and support as you make the changes you learn about, and the opportunity to connect with other women living life on their own terms.

No worries! Everyone will have access to call recordings within 24 hours. 

What happens if I miss a call?

Do I get 1:1 access with Jodi with this program?

All participants get access to Geneva, where I share additional resources, provide support, and answer questions directly! So, while there's no one-on-one calls, you'll get direct DM access to me, as well as the opportunity to ask questions at the end of each of our weekly calls!

YES! You will have lifetime access to the recordings!

Will I be able to keep this program?

Is this just for women?

It is! Creating a safe place for women to be open, honest and able to really change has always been important to me.

Is this a fitness and nutrition program?

Fitness and nutrition will definitely be covered but it is not the only focus of the program.

follow along @jodiharrisonbauer

Ready to do this thing?

Because I’m sure as hell ready to support you.

Don’t wait another second to become Hot & Healthy.

Not quite ready to make the move yet?

Making a change, especially a major, audacious change like creating the life you deserve, is no small decision. I completely understand.

I’m here to answer any questions you have or chat through your unique situation to help you determine if this fitness and nutrition program is right for you.